The Acquisition of Mayan Languages (ALMA)

This site contains transcriptions of Mayan children acquiring Mayan languages. This research was funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (3222), The Organization of American States and The National Science Foundation (BCS-0613120 and BCS-0515120). A description of this research is available on the page Documenting Mayan Language Acquisition. The transcriptions conform to the Minimal Coding standard (Pye 2001) and are compatible with the Qanform suite of programs that perform an initial phonological, morphological and lexical analysis. A guide to the Minimal Coding standard and the Qanform programs is available on my Minimal Coding page.

Transcriptions are available for the following Mayan languages:

  • K’iche’
  • Mam
  • Q’anjob’al
  • Ch’ol

  • All transcriptions are available under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike. Scholarly use of any part of the transcriptions is allowed on condition that the funding sources are acknowledged as well as the publications listed for each language.

    Email: pyersqr (at) ku (dot) edu

    Page last modified 8/11/11
    Copyright © 2011 Clifton Pye

    Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike